Friday, March 06, 2009

I Think I'm in Love

...with my new scarf!
I took a challenge that my cousin Joanna gave me to make a scarf out of fabrics that I already had. I had tons of scraps left over from presents and other projects so I was eager to start. The quilt was put on hold in favor of playing with all of these fun, bright fabrics. I am actually disappointed that I am done working on it. I had so much fun sewing this together!
Today we enjoyed more spring like weather and lot's of sun. I can feel myself thawing from the long winter. We may get more snow before winter is completely done but this is a wonderful taste of what is to come!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Happy Things

Welcome March!
The sun is bright outside. I've had my windows open. The boys and I went for a walk! I'm starting to think Spring might actually be coming!
And I got this lovely delivery today from my husband!
Isn't he the best?!
Let's look at that loveliness again, shall we?
That's right. Those flowers are for me.
I think he likes me.
More happiness...John has finally had a hair-cut! His Aunt Stacy chopped off his long locks at our request and I think he looks so handsome and grown-up!
Here is a little before and after...
What a change!!! Now I won't have people thinking that I dress my little 'girl' like a boy. :) And now his hair is out of his eyes. Which has it's advantages.
Here he is giving me his angry eyes. :)
And of course, I can't post without another quilt square.
We are coming down to the end and soon I will be sewing them all together! (If I can keep myself from getting distracted by other projects.)
I hope you are enjoying your day!