Happy Things

Welcome March!
The sun is bright outside. I've had my windows open. The boys and I went for a walk! I'm starting to think Spring might actually be coming!
And I got this lovely delivery today from my husband!
Isn't he the best?!
Let's look at that loveliness again, shall we?

That's right. Those flowers are for me.
I think he likes me.
More happiness...John has finally had a hair-cut! His Aunt Stacy chopped off his long locks at our request and I think he looks so handsome and grown-up!
Here is a little before and after...

What a change!!! Now I won't have people thinking that I dress my little 'girl' like a boy. :) And now his hair is out of his eyes. Which has it's advantages.
Here he is giving me his angry eyes. :)

And of course, I can't post without another quilt square.
We are coming down to the end and soon I will be sewing them all together! (If I can keep myself from getting distracted by other projects.)

I hope you are enjoying your day!
such a cheerful post! yellow flowers are a sure way to make you smile :) thanks for sharing them!
We went on a walk today, too! It was glorious to be outside. And tomorrow is supposed to be great weather, too. =) I'm way too excited.
Lovely flowers! Way to go, Chris!
John's hair looks great. As adorable as his curls are, he looks just as charming - if not more- with his haircut.
I've been thinking of you the past couple days while I've been drinking my tea and watching the loooong "Pride and Prejudice." Now I seem to be in the habit of calling Tim "my dear Mr. Ross." =)
I really love the last square with the little birds going every which way, it's darling!
I can imagine that he does look so very grown up now!
Love, JO
ok, I just have to ask.....are your little quilt square birds pooping?? Way to grab nature at its best!! Love ya :)
No! The birds are not pooping! They are skirrying...it's supposed to look like motion lines. But your brother asked the same thing. "Is that poop?"
Thank you for spoiling one of my favorite squares! :)
John looks so grown up and handsome with his new haircut! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and kind words, they mean more than you know, as I know you can relate! :0) Blessings to you and Chris and your precious boys, I hope I get to meet them someday! :0)
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