I Think I'm in Love

...with my new scarf!
I took a challenge that my cousin Joanna gave me to make a scarf out of fabrics that I already had. I had tons of scraps left over from presents and other projects so I was eager to start. The quilt was put on hold in favor of playing with all of these fun, bright fabrics. I am actually disappointed that I am done working on it. I had so much fun sewing this together!
Today we enjoyed more spring like weather and lot's of sun. I can feel myself thawing from the long winter. We may get more snow before winter is completely done but this is a wonderful taste of what is to come!
oh i love it! i've seen jo's scarf and love hers too...i'm inspired to make one of my own someday! it's beautiful!
Your fabric choices rock, it turned out so cool!!!!
Love, JO
Fabulous! I love it!
Yeah, if you think that's a lot of comments, that's not even half of them. On the SITS page, there are 3 of my posts that are "recommended reading" or favorites that I had to submit. All these women are commenting on them, as well as on my welcome post from today. So far I have had close to 250 comments. And it's only lunchtime! Hey, are you still up for doing a "Friend Friday?" Maybe next Friday? ALSO, I may be in town Friday. Have you plans?
I just realized that last comment all sounded kind of snotty - like I am all cool or something (which I'm not.) I'm actually exhausted from reading them and then commenting back on their blog pages. I have found some cool blogs in the process though...
Oh, and you can just shoot me an email about Friday and whether or not you're around.
I actually clicked over here through Joanna's site. I have seen her scarf (on her blog and on her once) and I love it and yours... so creative. I don't sew so I don't have any scraps! wanna make me one???! :)
I love it Rachel...do I see some Amy Butler is there? I'm jealous you are so talented!!
Jennifer (from book club:))
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