Meme....pick me!
I've never done a Meme. Mostly because I don't like the sound of the word. What does it mean anyway?
This is a One-Word-Meme and for whatever reason I liked it.
Where is your mobile phone? Counter
Where is your significant other? Indy
Your hair colour? Natural
Your mother? Short
Your father? Tall
Your favourite thing? Chris
Your dream last night? Odd
Your dream goal? Artist
The room you're in? Cheery
Your hobby? Crafting
Your fear? Loneliness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
Where were you last night? Here
What you're not? Content
One of your wish-list items? Fabric
Where you grew up? Mid-west
The last thing you did? Baked
What are you wearing? Hat
Your TV? Lonely
Your pets? Non-existent
Your computer? On
Your mood? Teetering
Missing someone? Muchly
Your car? Paid
Something you're not wearing? Jewelry
Favourite shop? Internet
Your summer? Beautiful
Love someone? Forever
Your favourite colour? Blue
When is the last time you laughed? Sunday
When is the last time you cried? Morning