So I Sew...
What does one do when one's regular clothes are a bit snug but maternity clothes still resemble circus tents?
Why, one sews their own clothes of course!!
I've been sewing like mad lately after I found some good deals on fabric and a great pattern (McCall's 5388) for cute shirts that are belly friendly.

This one was my first one and turned out a little big.

This was my second attempt with some fabric that I love. The gathers in the front turned out a little wonky but I'm telling myself that it only adds character. It's smaller than the first one and fits much better.

This is the one I finished this evening and I think it's my favorite. I made the least amount of mistakes and it came together very quickly. And possibly my most favorite detail is that the fabric is an old sheet that I picked up at a thrift store for $1.
I think I'm becoming a sewing addict.
And now for a few random pictures of John.

Here he is this evening enjoying his sandbox just before a well-earned bath. He loves playing outside in anything that could possibly get him dirty. (He is all boy)

And here is a lovely shot of the amazing things he can do with a spoon and some pudding. He is very talented. For as often as this child is in the bathtub he should be the cleanest, best- smelling boy around...but he's not. I love his messy ways. How could you not love a face like that?!