precious petunia
My inner monologue on display.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
"Chris Brewer is Amazing!!!"
"Happy Mother's Day to me!!!"

Chris surprised me today with these portraits of the boys.
I was so moved when he gave them to me. They are so lovely.
The amount of detail is amazing but these pictures don't do them justice.

I love that John has his long hair in his portrait.
The artist really captured the curls from this picture.

Sam's expression came through so well. I can see it especially in his eyes and lips.
I can't find the picture the artist was using so you'll have to trust me...the likeness is amazing.
Chris is so thoughtful and I am grateful to have such a giving and creative husband. This gift is such a treasure!
A year later...

The quilt is finished!
I had a lot of fun sewing this together and I'm really happy with the front side.

The back was a little trickier since my creative ambitions exceed my sewing abilities...
But all in all I am happy with my latest project.

I have already enjoyed moments snuggling with my boys (Chris included) under this quilt and I hope there are many more of those moments to come!
Friday, March 06, 2009
I Think I'm in Love

...with my new scarf!
I took a challenge that my cousin Joanna gave me to make a scarf out of fabrics that I already had. I had tons of scraps left over from presents and other projects so I was eager to start. The quilt was put on hold in favor of playing with all of these fun, bright fabrics. I am actually disappointed that I am done working on it. I had so much fun sewing this together!
Today we enjoyed more spring like weather and lot's of sun. I can feel myself thawing from the long winter. We may get more snow before winter is completely done but this is a wonderful taste of what is to come!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Happy Things

Welcome March!
The sun is bright outside. I've had my windows open. The boys and I went for a walk! I'm starting to think Spring might actually be coming!
And I got this lovely delivery today from my husband!
Isn't he the best?!
Let's look at that loveliness again, shall we?

That's right. Those flowers are for me.
I think he likes me.
More happiness...John has finally had a hair-cut! His Aunt Stacy chopped off his long locks at our request and I think he looks so handsome and grown-up!
Here is a little before and after...

What a change!!! Now I won't have people thinking that I dress my little 'girl' like a boy. :) And now his hair is out of his eyes. Which has it's advantages.
Here he is giving me his angry eyes. :)

And of course, I can't post without another quilt square.
We are coming down to the end and soon I will be sewing them all together! (If I can keep myself from getting distracted by other projects.)

I hope you are enjoying your day!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Where Rachel stands on her soapbox and yells about the injustices in this world...or perhaps just in Jenison.

We received this nice little gift from someone driving through our neighborhood last night. Our neighbors came over to tell us that our fence had experienced a hit-and-run from a black compact car. I, inheriting my mother's "Detective Dart" genes ,headed out with a flash-light to inspect the damage.

How do you, in your little Ford Escort, "accidentally" drive 40 feet off of the road, through some one's fence and into their yard?! And then, you don't even have the guts to come to the door and fess up?!!
I realize there are much more important and disturbing things going on in the world...but I need to vent.

Our friends who were over for dinner pointed out that it was a blessing this didn't happen in the summer when we were playing croquet in that corner of the excellent point when considered.
So, I am glad that we are safe...peeved at whoever (whomever?) wrecked our fence and grateful that my husband works in the lumber industry.
But seriously people, let's have some integrity!
I'm just sayin'.
Rant over...for now.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More Quilt Squares
I am still enjoying working on my quilt.

This one I did myself

...and this one is from some drawings from the boys. I gave them paper and a permanent marker and this is what they came up with! After they were done I taped the paper to the window and traced it onto the fabric. Then I embroidered it with different colors to keep the pictures separated.
Sam's artwork is in green. And John's disgruntled smiley face is in brown.
I can't wait to start sewing all of these blocks together!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Spring at the Gardens

I am so grateful that we have a membership at the local botanical gardens.
This time of year I need some extra green and floral in my life. And all the floral fabric I am trying to surround myself with just doesn't cut it.
So I woke up the other day and knew that it was a garden day. I called my friend Amy who also has a membership and we made a date of it.

I love all these pictures because my lens was fogging up and it adds such a cool look to my usual mediocre pictures.

This is John with Amy's oldest, Samantha. Aren't they cute! They were walking all over holding hands and looking at things together. Sammy is one of John's favorite people.

John's hair was curling up because of the humidity. I had to get a shot of it. I am in the mood to chop it off so he looks like a normal boy. He is the only one in the house who gets his hair brushed daily. But then I see pictures like this and I can't bring myself to cut it!