
So...a lot has happened in the past few months. None of which I have taken the time to blog about.
My apologies.
We have a house!!!
Over a month ago the Lord gave us a wonderful home that was beyond our wildest dreams! It is lovely and is nothing less than an abundant gift from God.
2540 Sun Valley St. You are welcome anytime. :)
It has been so nice to set up house again. We're busy painting walls and arranging, and rearranging furniture. Unpacking all our stuff after 9 months of storage was like Christmas and wedding showers all over again! I have to agree with Dorothy, "There's no place like home." :)
John has gotten bigger (surprise, surprise). And is now quite mobile doing his version of the army crawl.

My hair has also undergone a change. The long locks were getting too high-maintenance and I was up for some fun change. My Mom got wind of my hair-cut hankering and offered to send me to the salon for an early birthday present. So here it is!!
It's so much easier to take care of and I think it's much more fun than my long hairs. Thank you Mom! :)
Chris is back in school now for the fall so life has gotten a bit busier. He's been doing really well in his studies and still makes time for his family. I'm quite proud of my man. :)
He decided to buy me a tree for my birthday. And not just any tree, but a Weeping White Birch tree. I have always loved white birches since reading Robert Frost's poem"Birches".
"When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
But swinging them doesn't bend them down to stay..."
The tree is beautiful, whispy and wild. It reminded me immediately of the poem where Frost compares the trees to "...girls on hands and knees that throw their hair before them over their heads to dry in the sun." If you haven't read the poem, you must! Go find it today! It's wonderful.
"One could do worse than be a swinger of birches."
So happy to see you post! And even happier to read all the good news!
I had to restrain myself from popping in when I knew you were in the area!
Love the hair cut! That and the tree were perfect presents! Happy Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see the colors and decorations you choose for your new nest!
I LOVE your hair. We can't wait to see you guys Saturday!
rachel i love the new hair cut! i too have been thinking about cutting my hair. i decided i'd wait until the baby is born (in march) and try a new style then. hey, are you by any chance coming out to homecoming this next week? just wondering if i'll see you...
Nice hair cut...
and I loved reading your lines about birches b/c they have always been one of my favorite trees too. They are especially beautiful in the fall color, especially if you can find a patch of them lined up alongside a lake and see their colorful reflections in the water--simply beautiful.
PS-Weeping willows are another favorite...
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