Drama, drama, drama
House hunting.
That's what we've been doing lately.
Through an act of the Lord (by way of some special people) we are able to possibly buy a house.
Possibly being the key word there. We're trying to keep things under $100K which is difficult even in Grand Rapids. We are on our 3rd "This is the one!" house and our offer was not accepted. Now we're researching some different financing options to see if we can make it happen.
This whole business feels like one emotional rollercoaster after another and I'm ready to be done with it. To me it's deeper than just deciding which house to live in. This brings up the never-ending mystery of God's plan/will and how He works that out in our lives.
Proverbs 16:3
Commit your works to the LORD
And your plans will be established.
So here I am, trying to "roll it all onto God". It's so easy to get wrapped up in what I want and how I think things should go. What I really want is for God to be glorified in and through my life (that's the big picture). More specifically in this situation, I want whatever God has for our living quarters right now.
He is my good, gracious Father and I know He wants what is best for me. And I'm learning that what I want is not always what is best for me.
how does one tell what God wants for each situation?
I remember debating these sorts of questions through college and all my heady conclusions sound great on paper . But what does it look like in the "real" world?
Back to Prov 16:3...if I commit my ways to the Lord (submit to His will revealed in the Bible bymaking sure that nothing I am doing goes against His commands) then my plans will be established.
This sounds too easy.
Sometimes I think I must enjoy making things more difficult. But I am always so afraid of messing up or getting it wrong.
Maybe His plan doesn't have to be some abstract, far out thing. That's not to say that it's simple or always easy. But if I am living according to his will and constantly seeking His face, then maybe I should trust my decision making abilities a bit more.
With this house situation, I just wish someone would tell me "This is it. This is the house God has for you.". This would make life much easier for me. (I remember thinking these same things about who I should marry. Thankfully I chose well. Or was it God who chose?...).
This is the mental circle I have been living in lately. We should know something soon about the current house and maybe all the drama will end! Until then, I'm trying to roll it all onto God. He does a better job of taking care of it. :)
lunch this next week?
Hey Rachel! I tracked you down on Joanna's blog. Your little boy is sooooo adorable. Sounds like things are going well-house hunting--what a joy! I have a blog at www.xanga/mostlyrandomthoughts.com
I get to it when I get the chance. I start teaching this week at BBC as a graduate assistant for the music department. My how time flies! Hope to hear from you. jenean
Rachel, I was JUST THERE. I remember the overwhelming feelings of the decision to buy a house. The financing and the location and the house itself... questions upon questions and all the while that intense battle to TRUST God and His leading. Now that we have made those decisions and walked through the move, I can say with 100% confidence that following God and waiting on His timing and His leading was 100% worth it. I know you will be blessed for your desire to do what God wants... even when the waiting is hard, and the not knowing is overwhelming. I can't wait to see how God will provide! Keep us posted.
Rachel! Hey! This is Cynthia- Long lost friend! So, living in Michigan now, eh? And with a beautiful son! Too fun.. man things have changed since good 'ol college days, huh? Well.. I am a short term missionary in Brasil- been here a year and 8 months- will be heading back to the USA in December- then??? ONly God knows.. praying lots, though! My e-mail is ctaylorbrasil@yahoo.com. I look forward to keeping in touch! Love ya girl!
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