on a more positive note...

John had naked time today in the big, beautiful sun (with his big beautiful buns!).
I think he thoroughly enjoyed himself.
It's been so fun to explore with him this spring. He seems to take in so much!
The wind catches his breath and the sun makes him sneeze. He turns his head to listen to a bird singing and giggles at the feel of the grass.
I'm amazed to think about how much he is learning every moment. And I get to introduce him to the world!!!

Andrea came over today and we had a lovely time sitting outside with our boys. That is her darling son Noah, whom we are certian will be one of John's dearest friends. So far their relationship consists of Noah sucking on John's foot and John giving a blank stare...We're still working on relational etiquette.
It was wonderful to be alive today with great friends and glorious weather.
I love spending time outside with my kids! Precious moments spent in God's creation! Just plenty of sun, green grass and things to explore. Happy Spring!
You have to ask Chris why he doesn't allow "other" comments. I visited his blog today and b/c I don't have a blogger account, it won't let me post. Please tell him that we are praying for you guys about Calvin and that Phil could kick your hineys in Risk. LOL :)
That was such a nice day. Noah and I are looking forward to our road trip with you and John in a few days!
I don't know why I am having so much trouble leaving a comment!
I thought I had already left one on this post. I am passing through to see if you updated hint hint!
Love the picture of you laying in the grass!!
Love, JO
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