So I Sew 2
Why have I not been blogging?
My only good excuse is that John is hard to take good pictures of at this age. He is in constant motion and I am no expert behind the lense. However, disgruntled aunts and uncles requesting pictures finally win out in the end. So here is an action shot of the little man himself.

I also haven't been able to post about my creations lately because most everything coming out of the workshop is for Christmas. Except for today!

This is a purse from Amy Karol's book, "Bend The Rules Sewing". I added some extra pockets on the inside so it can double as a diaper bag if I so choose.

I also wipped up a mini-diaper bag with the left over fabric that is just big enough to hold wipes and a few diapers.

I started a hat last week for Chris that turned out to fit John better. I don't know what happened but it was not the size I intended.

Did I mention we are having a boy? I can't remember if I did or not. Samuel is the name unless he turns out to not be a he. I admire those who can leave the gender a suprise, I'm just not one of them. I found that the delivery room holds enough suprises for me as it is. I will spare you any pregnancy profile pictures but here is a shot from my birthday earlier this month.

I'm so glad you updated finally!!The bag looks great. I made the woodland elf hat on Monday and tried the scalloped baby blanket yesterday but scallops are hard to sew. John is such a cutie!
I LOVE the purse!!!
Wow, welcome back...again! Thank you so much for updating and sharing pictures of our sweet nephew!
We are so looking foward to having you guys as company this weekend and seeing the profile up close and personal! Love you!!
She's aliiiiiiive!!!!!! :)
Glad to see you finally got your butt back to the computer!
Nice job on the sewing projects - I so wish I had that ability.
And YAY that we get to meet Sam #2 in just a few weeks!!! You really are looking great, girl! :) :) :)
When are we going to see some of the pictures of the new little one?
I miss you!
Love, JO
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